

Opening hours
Monday - Friday
09:00 – 17:00

Bei uns genießen Sie immer eine persönliche Betreuung – Karin Pfliegler Concert & Travel Agency

A good relationship starts with the first contact and therefore personal support from the beginning is very important to us. Every contact is also an opportunity for improvement, so we ask for your constructive feedback and thank you in advance for your support.


kontakt: +43 6641231455;

Gerald Mayr, MBA, MSc

International certificates: FB3, UKWII, SRC
Prüfer des österreichischen Segelverbands
RYA Yacht Master Offshore com. end.
RYA Yachtmaster Cruising Instructor for Sail



+43 664 1231455

12, February, 2025

We are looking forward to your inquiry

Please make sure that you formulate your request completely. You will find a small support in the form under topic selection.

Contact Form Segelerlebnis

We will contact you as soon as possible. If this does not happen within one working day, then we currently have no internet reception. Please try again yourself and send us a message via SMS to: +43 6644 1231455

Your sailing coach, Gerald

Because we ourselves are responsible for the joys in our lives ...

We will send you the latest information directly. Of course, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
