
Trainings, Seminars, Workshops
Die Segelerlebnis-Akademie ist Partner des österreichischen Segelverbandes. Das garantiert höchste Anerkennung auf internationaler Ebene.
Unsere theoretischen Ausbildungen werden in Kleingruppen (4-8 Personen) in Blöcken über das Jahr verteilt in Österreich (Raum Wien, Graz), der praktische Teil auf Yachten in Kroatien, Slowenien, Italien durchgeführt.
On request we can make individual arrangements for 4 persons or more.

Education, Trainings
- Inland license A (AT)
- Croatian Coastal Patent (HR)
- Iinternational certificates FB1 (coasts, rivers, tidal flats)
- International certificates FB2 (20 Nm)
- International certificates FB3 (200 Nm)
- RYA – Competent Crew, Day Skipper

Training and cruising sailing
- Miles trips
- Kompetent Crew, Tages-Skippertraining
- Skipper-Trainings
- Skipper-Crew-Gennaker Trainings
- Skipper Perfection, Re-entry
- Urlaubstörns (Boot und Skipper)
- Dinghy sailing (e.g. Lake Neusiedl)

Leadership, Events
- Leadership & Management Training
- Team- Employee development
- Coaching and conflict management
- Executive Sailing, Business Summits
- Corporate events, Incentives
Our story
Why the Sailing Experience Academy came into being ....
The adventures on the water have always fascinated me. As a child I learned to swim very early and at the same time came the desire for adventure on the water. Started with a self-made raft, the first river rafting adventures followed. Then it went to the inland lakes for dinghy sailing, to the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea for windsurfing, motor boating, sport catamaran sailing to the Red Sea and finally to yacht sailing. The sea has drawn me in its fascination.
During my studies and career I learned a lot about organizational team development, coaching, mediation and much more. I use all these experiences continuously during my sailing trips with friends and during trainings. Furthermore, I was able to learn a lot from my sailing partners and from the different crews. The extremely positive feedback fueled my joy. One training followed the next. Up to the RYA training series with current Offshore Master, Crusing Instructor com. end.
After I was often asked, almost pressed, during my cruises and trainings, if I could also offer trainings, together with coaching, crew/team and leadership development, the thought never left my mind. To combine the profession with the hobbies, that would be the greatest - consequently sailing experience was born.
I am convinced that anyone who finds joy in water, wind wave can learn sailing.
Gerald Mayr, MBA MSc
Founder of Segelerlebnis (Brand of Mayr-Consulting), management consultant, coach and mediator
RYA – Yachtmaster Offshore com. end., Cruising Instructor Sailing