Private Training
Skipper & Crewtraining

Yachteigner, Skipper, Familien, Freunde, Vereine
In exclusive training or sailing, closed and open groups are accompanied individually. In contrast to the training courses, there are no fixed topics here. We are going to define and implemented the training topics together according to your requirements and current possibilities.
Likewise, the sailing trips at recreation Sailing can be individually tailored to special themes such as cooking on board, nature walks and much more. The leading motto for this is Joy.Freedom.Safety. Ultimately, nothing beats good seamanship!
Individual requirements, completely personal!
Everyone has different dreams, experiences and idiosyncrasies. Regardless of whether you already have a lot of experience and haven't been on a sailing yacht for a long time, want to prepare for exams or a special sailing trip, or simply want to gain your first experience in a personal setting. We will pick you up wherever you are and together we will design your individual training programme.
- for you alone, or for you and your crew,
- on your chartered yacht,
- or on the yacht provided by Sailing-Experience.
Advanced information
In addition to nautical and sailing expertise, we specifically address good seamanship and safety on board. Furthermore, we place a very special focus on planning and dealing with challenges. What to do if the electronic helpers are not fully available?
Of course, previous knowledge is always helpful, but this is not the main focus of personal training. The focus is solely on your goals. We often receive enquiries from graduates of other training courses because they simply want to gain more confidence in handling the yachts, or simply to treat themselves to new perspectives from a professional instructor and skipper.
We have a variety of different teaching methods and make the interaction of theory and practice a personal experience. We focus primarily on what is absolutely necessary. Only then do we go into the "nice to know" topics.
Der Spaß und die Begeisterung soll keinesfalls von zuviel Stoff überschattet werden. Alles zu seiner Zeit und “weniger richtig gemacht ist oftmals mehr!”

Skipper & Crew-Training
Through our flexible training and coaching methods, supplemented with different training standards such as OeSV, RYA, DSV and learning methods from the university environment, you learn interactively new perspectives with your challenges.
Common topics are e.g. handling with small crews (single-handed- double-handed). Getting to know a new type of boat, weather routing, navigation, communication, interaction of large crews, preparation for a large personal trip, the first time skipper (shadow skipper) and much more.
Advanced information

In contrast to predefined training contents and personal trainings, your leisure time topics are in the foreground here. According to the motto "Can do everything, don't have to do anything", we will respond to your wishes as best as possible within the framework of safety.
Everything is possible as far as the safety of the crew, the ship, good seamanship and mindfulness of our environment are concerned.
Advanced information
We already had
- Cooking on board,
- Hiking Experiences,
- Yoga
- Snorkel, scuba diving,
- SUP, Kayak Adventure
- to individual activities of clubs and crews of friends.
Of course, you can design and plan your special themed workshops together with us. The vastness of the sea and its islands offers extraordinary opportunities to rediscover yourself.
Depending on the topics, we will explore the sailing area, the sailing yacht and the geographical possibilities.
Everything is possible as long as it complies with the principle: Joy.Freedom.Security.

Segelyacht - Überstellungen
Oftmals hat man nicht die Zeit oder die passende Crew um seine Segelyacht in eine neues Segelrevier zu bringen oder ins Dock für eine Überholung zu bringen. Mit unseren Erfahrungen aus vielfachen Überstellungen und Atlantiküberquerungen stehen wir umfassend zur Seite. Natürlich können Sie die Mannschaft ganz oder zm Teil stellen, oder wir übernehmen die gesamte Organisation und Administration.
Wir freuen uns über deine Kontaktaufnahme!
Advanced information
Wir haben bereits mehrfach Überstellungen durchgeführt. Z.B. von/zu nach
- Spanien
- Kraotien
- Italien
- Griechland
- Karibik
- Azoren
- Kanarische Inseln
Abhängig von der Überstellungsanforderungen behalten wir uns vor, die Segelyacht entsprechend dem Fahrgebiet auszustatten, damit nichts dem Zufall überlassen wird.
Everything is possible as long as it complies with the principle: Joy.Freedom.Security.

A crew is more than just a group...
In shipping there is the term "admiralty". The word of the admiral stands over everything on board. Although this comes from historical professional shipping, it also has its justification in recreational shipping (overall responsibility of the skipper). However, in comparison, recreational skippers rarely have a professional crew at their disposal. Let alone the hierarchical dependencies. No one can "fire" someone so easily if something doesn't fit. Therefore, other skills and abilities are required.
You will learn these competences during our ship patent trainings and special courses. The implementation and self-application is again a separate topic. Because everyone has his own personality and in the course of life, each person develops his own signature from it.
With this self-image we proceed in our trainings and form your strengths and your personality. Thus you lay an essential foundation for your personal development and for a successful trip. In the training you will experience how in a short time from a group of sailors, a crew, your team.

Your next
Dear Gerald,
I would very much like to give you feedback on our leadership seminar from October 2 - 9, 2021. This time we deliberately decided to go a new way and therefore chose a week on a sailboat. A fundamentally very risky decision, because a week in a very confined space with 10 different characters, can also go "in the pants", so to speak.
Read the entire feedback....
I would very much like to give you feedback on our leadership seminar from October 2 - 9, 2021. This time we deliberately decided to go a new way and therefore chose a week on a sailboat. A fundamentally very risky decision, because a week in a very confined space with 10 different characters, can also go "in the pants", so to speak. It was all the more gratifying to have the experience that this week brought the team of our executives together with the management even more. New friendships were formed and existing friendships grew. It was impressive to see the way in which you passed on your knowledge to the crew members and also picked up everyone exactly where they were at the time. The respectful treatment of all participants among each other was due to your professional approach. It was very nice to see how much the personal well-being of each individual was important to you and how you always paid attention to it. You struck all of us as a very empathetic listener and advisor, both as a professional in sailing and as a private person. Many one-on-one meetings with you have had a positive impact on both the professional and personal lives of each individual. On behalf of the entire company and all crew members, I would like to thank you again for this very impressive, educational and unforgettable week. I am very glad that we decided to go this way. We are already looking forward to repeating our management seminar with you as our coach.
Best regards, Christian Gmoser